Month: January 2024

Month: January 2024

2024 – A New Year??

Start the new year with a clean slate they say–whoever they are. My once white slate is so darkened by erasures of events going back eons, I can barely read the carry-overs from 2023.

This new January already has weekly … Read More

Draw Near

Our church’s word for 2024 caught my immediate attention when it was revealed New Year’s Eve. The words, Draw Near, on the eight-foot-tall banner highlighted the idea expressed by Asaph in Psalm 73:26-28 as he realized that his desire … Read More

Christmas Love

What is love? What does it look like, feel like, act like? Each of us would have different answers based on our own experiences. But what is love? Really, what is love?
Let me go back a few years. Actually,… Read More

A Holy Spirit Kind of Day

Fall has definitely arrived in the Pacific Northwest. Wild black berries are ripe. Brown bears are consuming them. A neighbor saw one in our rural neighborhood last week. Salmon are spawning up stream. Spiders are spinning beautiful webs everywhere including … Read More