Draw Near

Our church’s word for 2024 caught my immediate attention when it was revealed New Year’s Eve. The words, Draw Near, on the eight-foot-tall banner highlighted the idea expressed by Asaph in Psalm 73:26-28 as he realized that his desire for the wealth of those around him as well as justice for the evil ones was wrong. He had all he needed because of his God’s faithfulness. He needed nothing more.

However, my mind immediately turned to Luke 15:11-32 with its story of the prodigal son. This young man so lusted for worldly things that he asked for his inheritance while his father still lived. After receiving it, he headed out for the “good life” in another country. There he squandered it on all sorts of sinful living until he was destitute, hungry, and feeding pigs to merely survive. Finally realizing his father’s servants were better off than he was, he prepared himself to draw near to his father, admit he had sinned, and ask to become a servant because he was no longer worthy to be called son.

We all attach the adjective prodigal to this wayward son. He was, as defined by the word, wasteful and probably a spendthrift. However, there is another prodigal in this story–the father. The other aspect of prodigal is all but forgotten in today’s English. Generous, lavish, bountiful, unsparing are also synonyms for prodigal.

Now back to the story. As this prodigal son draws near to home, probably with dragging feet, head hung low, and still a way to go, his prodigal father is searching the road for this son’s return. Once catching sight of the young man, the father runs to meet him, greet him, embrace him. He then has the servants place a robe on his son’s shoulders, a ring on his finger and shoes on his feet. The fatted calf is killed, and a party thrown because the son who was once dead is now alive. This is truly the parable of the prodigal father–one who gives lavishly, unsparingly, and generously.

It is my prayer for 2024 that I: listen to the Holy Spirit’s guidance when I fall into the ways of the world; draw nearer to my Prodigal Father; repent of my sinful words, actions, thoughts; and thank him for His love and forgiveness. He has already killed a sacrificial lamb for my sins. He calls me daughter. May I serve him well by being as prodigal as He is.


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