During a small group study on Andrew Murray’s book “With Christ in the School of Prayer”, we talked about praying to Our Father about our needs and concerns. A comment was made about hearing a woman in our church referring to God as Daddy in one of her prayers. That started a whole new discussion about how we see our heavenly Father. Do we pray to our king, savior, healer, provider, etc. Do we pray to Jesus? Do we address the Holy Spirit? Or do we talk to Abba, our Dad? (Abba is a colloquial Hebrew word for an intimate relationship with a father). Some of our answers reflected our own relationship with our own fathers.
That’s when I remembered often seeing my grandson, whether a small child or a college student, cuddle in next to his dad on the couch, whether there was room or not, and smile at him. He just loved being right up close and personal with his Abba, his Dad.
Here are some questions I have had since that night. “When we pray do we approach the throne of a mighty, holy king with a scepter in his hand? Do we, with downward faces and bended knee, only praise Him and give thanks for His blessings, favor and provision? Do we come as intercessors praying for the miraculous with confidence or maybe only with high hopes?
But do we ever get up close and personal with our Abba (Dad) like a child does. Do we draw near, grin at Him, and share our day’s activities? Do we ask Him questions, then listen intently to his answers, advice and wisdom? Do we tell him why we’re upset, angry or sad? Do we express our happiness? Do we? Do I?
After all, we are his adopted sons and daughters, aren’t we?
Just wondering. Lois